

  1. Stir together garlic, mustard, salt, pepper, and vinegar. Whisk in olive oil until the vinaigrette emulsifies and set aside.

  2. Heat a grill or grill pan to medium-high heat. Brush bread slices with olive oil and grill until firm. Tear bread into pieces and place in the bottom of a large bowl.

  3. Cut tomatoes in chunks and add to the bread. Slice zucchini or summer squash in half lengthwise, salt lightly, brush with olive oil, and grill until tender.

  4. Slice onion into wedges, salt lightly, brush with olive oil, and grill until tender.

  5. Brush corn with olive oil, salt lightly, and grill until the kernels are browned.

  6. Cut zucchini into chunks and cut corn off the cob. Toss zucchini, corn, and onions with the bread and tomatoes.

  7. Add the vinaigrette and toss again.

Recipe Tags
McEvoy Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Certified Organic


Sustainably Produced

At Our Ranch

Early Harvested

High Polyphenols

Award Winning

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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