
Raab, while a brassica, is a closer relative to turnips and mustard greens than it is to broccoli. Raab came to us from the Mediterranean and has, to some palates, an impossibly bitter flavor. If broccoli puts you off, raab probably won’t become a favorite. It is a natural human reaction to be displeased by bitter flavors. Our palates are particularly tuned to detect bitterness for good reason. Many poisons are bitter and it is no doubt a built in human response to question bitter flavors. Bitter is a double edged sword, however. We have discovered that many bitter foods contain compounds that protect us and have positive health influences. From the standpoint of cuisine, bitter provides that delectable balance that adds depth and complexity to our cooking. In terms of balancing bitter flavors, fat is your friend. Serve strong flavored greens with sausage or confit and lots of excellent quality extra virgin olive oil. One of my favorite dishes is pasta with sausage, clams and broccoli raab.


  1. Trim the rapini stems at the base; I usually cut off about 1 inch or so and drop the rapini into a sink of cold water and swoosh it around.

  2. Pull out pieces, cut off the thicker stems and toss the leaves and florets into a colander. Slice the stems into ½ inch pieces.

  3. In a large saucepan with a lid, heat the olive oil over medium heat and add the garlic and the whole chile. Lower the heat and cook gently, stirring from time to time.

  4. As soon as the garlic begins to color, add the rapini stems and season with salt. Cook, stirring, until they render their liquid, about 3 minutes.

  5. Add the rest of the rapini and the chile flakes, if using. Stir until the rapini begins to wilt, then cover and cook over low heat until the rapini is soft, about 10 minutes.

  6. Check the seasoning and remove the whole chile before serving. A big drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a squeeze of lemon completes the dish perfectly. We might want to add a healthy grating of Parmesan - just in case! Enjoy!

Recipe Tags
McEvoy Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Certified Organic


Sustainably Produced

At Our Ranch

Early Harvested

High Polyphenols

Award Winning

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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