My favorite go to recipe to replace mash potatoes. So rich and creamy your family will never want potatoes again! Delicious with fish, chicken, or to make a base for Sheppard’s Pie.
Pour broth into a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil and add cauliflower. You want the broth to cover at least ½ of the cauliflower.
Add garlic and cover. Cook 5-7 minutes until cauliflower is soft and faulting apart.
Remove from heat and drain completely in a strainer. Return cauliflower to the pan off heat and add cream cheese and cheddar cheese. Use an immerser until creamy.
Add heavy whipping cream at the end and blend completely. Salt and pepper to taste.
Place in bowl or on plate and top with McEvoy Ranch olive oil.
Certified Organic
Sustainably Produced
At Our Ranch
Early Harvested
High Polyphenols
Award Winning
Extra Virgin Olive Oil